Sale of 100,000th router
Commemorating the sale of our 100,000th router, within 5 years we sell our millionth.
Commemorating the sale of our 100,000th router, within 5 years we sell our millionth.

Commemorating the sale of our 100,000th router, within 5 years we sell our millionth.
Commemorating the sale of our 100,000th router, within 5 years we sell our millionth.
Cisco earns its first patent, No. 5,088,032, for its method and apparatus for routing communications among computer networks, Interior Gateway Routing Protocol. The computer networks are interconnected with a series of gateway circuits. Each gateway identifies all destination computers to which it is connected and identifies the path(s) to each destination computer.
Cisco earns its first patent, No. 5,088,032, for its method and apparatus for routing communications among computer networks, Interior Gateway Routing Protocol. The computer networks are interconnected with a series of gateway circuits. Each gateway identifies all destination computers to which it is connected and identifies the path(s) to each destination computer.
Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) is a multi-parameter technique for automatic packet routing and flow optimization. IGRP eliminates the need for the static, or manual, routing tables used by other network equipment of its time to determine routing pathways.
Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) is a multi-parameter technique for automatic packet routing and flow optimization. IGRP eliminates the need for the static, or manual, routing tables used by other network equipment of its time to determine routing pathways.
After a soft launch the previous year, multi-media enabled Cisco Information Online (CIO) launches at Networkers 1994. CIO offers up-to-date online self-help and guided assistance including software updates and upgrades, product specifications, training programs and seminar schedules, and publishes a 'known bug list', one of the first to do so, allowing us to tap into the knowledge base of our customers and partners.
After a soft launch the previous year, multi-media enabled Cisco Information Online (CIO) launches at Networkers 1994. CIO offers up-to-date online self-help and guided assistance including software updates and upgrades, product specifications, training programs and seminar schedules, and publishes a 'known bug list', one of the first to do so, allowing us to tap into the knowledge base of our customers and partners.
Announced in 1992, the 3000 series heralds our next generation router exclusively enabling flash configuration and software upgrades remotely.
Cisco’s Kirk Lougheed and IBM’s Yakov Rekhter sketch out BGP over lunch at a 1989 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) meeting. Their networking innovation, still an essential routing protocol for the global Internet, is as integral today as it was when originally deployed, enabling efficient routing and dramatic growth.
Kirk Lougheed, co-creator and Cisco's employee number 4, explains how BGP came to be.
Intended for use on the go, this terminal server reference card is an example of some of the first cisco Systems documentation.
Intended for use on the go, this terminal server reference card is an example of some of the first cisco Systems documentation.
Cisco’s first networking innovation the AGS, Advanced Gateway Server, connects computers over local area and wide area networks, delivering state of the art multiprotocol routing and concurrent bridging.
As the first commercially available multi-protocol router, the AGS ushers in a new era of connectivity.
Our very first product wasn't technically a router, but instead the Massbus-Ethernet Interface Subsystem (MEIS), an ethernet adapter for DEC computers.
Founders Sandy Lerner (left) and Leonard Bosack (center) incorporate cisco Systems. They dream of disparate networks talking with each other and sharing information reliably. But in order for the networks to be truly interconnected, a technology has to be invented that can deal with the disparate local area protocols. With that dream, the multi-protocol router is born.