
NSFNET forms

NSFNET forms


The National Science Foundation forms the NSFNET, linking five supercomputer centers in a major boost for U.S. Internet protocols (TCP/IP). The NSFNET is a major factor in helping Internet protocols win out over rival protocols like OSI, SNA, and DECNET.

The National Science Foundation forms the NSFNET, linking five supercomputer centers in a major boost for U.S. Internet protocols (TCP/IP). The NSFNET is a major factor in helping Internet protocols win out over rival protocols like OSI, SNA, and DECNET.


Internet Engineering Task Force founded

Internet Engineering Task Force founded


Cisco works with the introduction of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The IETF is an international community of network designers, operators, vendors and researchers concerned with the evolution and operation of Internet architecture.

Cisco works with the introduction of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The IETF is an international community of network designers, operators, vendors and researchers concerned with the evolution and operation of Internet architecture.


AGS launches

AGS launches


Cisco’s first networking innovation the AGS, Advanced Gateway Server, connects computers over local area and wide area networks, delivering state of the art multiprotocol routing and concurrent bridging.

As the first commercially available multi-protocol router, the AGS ushers in a new era of connectivity.

A front shot of the Cisco AGS chassis, a beige metal router with orange-red label in the shape of the first logo bridge and the company name
A view from three-quarter down of an AGS chasis, a beige router with red bridge label and company name