
New acqusition strategy

New acqusition strategy



Cisco implements a new strategic acquisition plan allowing rapid entry to new markets. With the acquisition of Crescendo's client­ server switches and Kalpana's LAN and ATM switches, Cisco debuts this strategy in the switching market.

Cisco implements a new strategic acquisition plan allowing rapid entry to new markets. With the acquisition of Crescendo's client­ server switches and Kalpana's LAN and ATM switches, Cisco debuts this strategy in the switching market.


Crescendo acqusition

Crescendo acqusition



Cisco's first acquisition is Crescendo Communications Inc. It's high-speed switching capabilities became the Catalyst workgroup switch and the CDDI/FDDI workgroup concentrator.

Cisco's first acquisition is Crescendo Communications Inc. It's high-speed switching capabilities became the Catalyst workgroup switch and the CDDI/FDDI workgroup concentrator.


Sale of 100,000th router

Sale of 100,000th router



Commemorating the sale of our 100,000th router, within 5 years we sell our millionth.

Commemorating the sale of our 100,000th router, within 5 years we sell our millionth.


Second Harvest Food Bank partnership

Second Harvest Food Bank partnership



Second Harvest Food Bank is the first community group Cisco supports with cash, infrastructure, food, and staff volunteers. The group was selected because of its wide reach in food distribution, providing the opportunity for maximum potential impact. Second Harvest estimated that the infrastructure support alone equaled providing an additional 2 million meals.

Second Harvest Food Bank is the first community group Cisco supports with cash, infrastructure, food, and staff volunteers. The group was selected because of its wide reach in food distribution, providing the opportunity for maximum potential impact. Second Harvest estimated that the infrastructure support alone equaled providing an additional 2 million meals.


First Patent (IGRP)

First Patent (IGRP)



Cisco earns its first patent, No. 5,088,032, for its method and apparatus for routing communications among computer networks, Interior Gateway Routing Protocol. The computer networks are interconnected with a series of gateway circuits. Each gateway identifies all destination computers to which it is connected and identifies the path(s) to each destination computer.

Cisco earns its first patent, No. 5,088,032, for its method and apparatus for routing communications among computer networks, Interior Gateway Routing Protocol. The computer networks are interconnected with a series of gateway circuits. Each gateway identifies all destination computers to which it is connected and identifies the path(s) to each destination computer.


Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)

Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)



Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) is a multi-parameter technique for automatic packet routing and flow optimization. IGRP eliminates the need for the static, or manual, routing tables used by other network equipment of its time to determine routing pathways.

Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) is a multi-parameter technique for automatic packet routing and flow optimization. IGRP eliminates the need for the static, or manual, routing tables used by other network equipment of its time to determine routing pathways.


Customer advocacy

Customer advocacy



Customer Advocacy is a cornerstone of Cisco values. Cisco proactively advocates for customer needs through the Cisco engineer-staffed Technical Assistance Center (TAC). All customers understand Cisco’s willingness to go the extra mile in supporting and configuring their new networks.

Customer Advocacy is a cornerstone of Cisco values. Cisco proactively advocates for customer needs through the Cisco engineer-staffed Technical Assistance Center (TAC). All customers understand Cisco’s willingness to go the extra mile in supporting and configuring their new networks.


World Wide Web

World Wide Web



The roots of the Internet go back to 1969, but in 1990 Tim Berner Lee prototypes “WorldWideWeb” in just three months on a NeXT computer. It features a server, HTML, URLs, and the first browser.

The roots of the Internet go back to 1969, but in 1990 Tim Berner Lee prototypes “WorldWideWeb” in just three months on a NeXT computer. It features a server, HTML, URLs, and the first browser.


Cisco Information Online launches at Networkers

Cisco Information Online launches at Networkers



After a soft launch the previous year, multi-media enabled Cisco Information Online (CIO) launches at Networkers 1994. CIO offers up-to-date online self-help and guided assistance including software updates and upgrades, product specifications, training programs and seminar schedules, and publishes a 'known bug list', one of the first to do so, allowing us to tap into the knowledge base of our customers and partners.

After a soft launch the previous year, multi-media enabled Cisco Information Online (CIO) launches at Networkers 1994. CIO offers up-to-date online self-help and guided assistance including software updates and upgrades, product specifications, training programs and seminar schedules, and publishes a 'known bug list', one of the first to do so, allowing us to tap into the knowledge base of our customers and partners.


Company headquarters established

Company headquarters established



While early experiments in multi-protocol routers started with running cable through the Stanford University campus, the couple establishes their headquarters at their Atherton home.

While early experiments in multi-protocol routers started with running cable through the Stanford University campus, the couple establishes their headquarters at their Atherton home.