Birthday Cake Hat
Celebrating our 30th aniversary, this year's hat was a sweet treat for guests at Cisco Live!
Celebrating our 30th aniversary, this year's hat was a sweet treat for guests at Cisco Live!

Celebrating our 30th aniversary, this year's hat was a sweet treat for guests at Cisco Live!
Celebrating our 30th aniversary, this year's hat was a sweet treat for guests at Cisco Live!
23 year old Robert T. Morris, the son of a computer security expert for the National Security Agency, sends a nondestructive worm through the Internet causing major problems for days for about 6,000 of the 60,000 hosts linked to the network. This is the first worm to have a major effect on real-world computer systems, and publicizes the importance of network security.
23 year old Robert T. Morris, the son of a computer security expert for the National Security Agency, sends a nondestructive worm through the Internet causing major problems for days for about 6,000 of the 60,000 hosts linked to the network. This is the first worm to have a major effect on real-world computer systems, and publicizes the importance of network security.
Mosaic, the first browser supported by a major institution, starts the Web on the road from research project to blockbuster success.Unlike other browsers it was reliable and could be installed by amateurs. Along with other browsers around this time Mosaic added graphics within Web pages instead of in separate windows.
Mosaic, the first browser supported by a major institution, starts the Web on the road from research project to blockbuster success.Unlike other browsers it was reliable and could be installed by amateurs. Along with other browsers around this time Mosaic added graphics within Web pages instead of in separate windows.
At the end of 1996, the 36 million Web users surpass the 30 million on France’s Minitel, until now the most popular online system. By decade’s end, the Web will hit 360 million. By 2010, two billion.
At the end of 1996, the 36 million Web users surpass the 30 million on France’s Minitel, until now the most popular online system. By decade’s end, the Web will hit 360 million. By 2010, two billion.
In 1999, the growing IEEE 802.11b short-range radio networking standard is rebranded “Wi-Fi” by the Wi-Fi Alliance. This is the same year Apple releases its AirPort Wi-Fi router and builds Wi-Fi connectivity into new Macs. These and other consumer products help popularize cable-free connections at work, in cafes, and at home.
In the 1960s when computers were extremely expensive, a number of companies offered computer utilities, running programs and storing your data on their computer, which you would access with a terminal. As time went on cheaper computers made it more economical for companies and eventually individuals to maintain their own workstations and PCs. But in the Web era, the evolving economies of scale from large commercial Web servers tipped the balance back the other way.
In the 1960s when computers were extremely expensive, a number of companies offered computer utilities, running programs and storing your data on their computer, which you would access with a terminal. As time went on cheaper computers made it more economical for companies and eventually individuals to maintain their own workstations and PCs. But in the Web era, the evolving economies of scale from large commercial Web servers tipped the balance back the other way.
From the early 2000s a number of sites help users generate and shape content: wikis, blogs, social networking sites, and more. Photo and video sharing sites take advantage of the spread of faster Internet connections to let users both upload and browse. O’Reilly and Associates popularizes the term for this trend “Web 2.0” with their 2004 conference of that name.
From the early 2000s a number of sites help users generate and shape content: wikis, blogs, social networking sites, and more. Photo and video sharing sites take advantage of the spread of faster Internet connections to let users both upload and browse. O’Reilly and Associates popularizes the term for this trend “Web 2.0” with their 2004 conference of that name.
By the late 2000s, 3G networks for higher speed mobile data grow quickly. The iPhone’s phenomenal popularity creates a new computing platform that brings mobile Web browsing to a large audience. Google’s Android mobile platform soon makes that audience even larger.
By the late 2000s, 3G networks for higher speed mobile data grow quickly. The iPhone’s phenomenal popularity creates a new computing platform that brings mobile Web browsing to a large audience. Google’s Android mobile platform soon makes that audience even larger.
"The first time I ever saw someone making a private phone call from space in a movie was in 2001: A Space Odyssey. And darned if we didn’t meet that timeline. In the movie, that call cost $1.70. Our astronauts get the first 90,000 miles toll free … via Cisco SoftPhone… astronauts can keep in touch with their loved ones during long voyages aboard the International Space Station (ISS)."
"The first time I ever saw someone making a private phone call from space in a movie was in 2001: A Space Odyssey. And darned if we didn’t meet that timeline. In the movie, that call cost $1.70. Our astronauts get the first 90,000 miles toll free … via Cisco SoftPhone… astronauts can keep in touch with their loved ones during long voyages aboard the International Space Station (ISS)."
With the acquisition of Cerent and Monterey Networks, Cisco enters the optical transport market providing a complete infrastructure solution to internet service provider customers.
With the acquisition of Cerent and Monterey Networks, Cisco enters the optical transport market providing a complete infrastructure solution to internet service provider customers.